I choose a brocade type home decor fabric in my favorite earth tones. I just adore a good olive drab basket-weave! I know its not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it. The fabric was difficult to work with because it is quite thick and messy when cut. I used plain unbleached muslin for the lining. I added lots of pockets in my muslin lining and had fun playing with the cams on my machine to create the green and pink flowers. I sewed it entirely on my vintage Singer 319. Love it and will make a small for fun one day soon!
The bag pattern is available here: http://www.etsy.com/listing/175869007/instant-download-pdf-jubilee-junction The pattern
has clear instructions and photographed steps. It is a simple, beginner
level pattern that can also be dressed up with embellishments,
closures, pockets, etc.
I also made this little tutorial that shows
how I made my pockets:
-For a full bag width pocket (the perfect size for a magazine!) that is all you need; you can go ahead and tack it to the lining main body before you pin and sew on the side piece.
-You can also divide your pockets as
needed. Here you can see the large, full-width pocket on the left side of the photo and on the right is the back of my multi-pocket piece where I marked and sewed the outline for 2
main pockets, and 2 tiny side pockets for pens. I decided to draw curved bottoms on the pockets to make small objects
easier to grab and also made some shallow and narrow pen pockets on the
sides. It would be even easier to just sew vertical lines to divide the pockets.